Snowy Mountains Roadtrip and Winter Holiday Update

Monday, July 20, 2015

Hello friends!

I feel like my posts have been a little serious lately, and with one week left of blessed freedom before semester starts (and Law Revue) I wanted to give you a little update on my life during the Winter break, especially the little road trip I took with family to the Snowy Mountains at the end of June! I've only ever been to the snow once, and that was with school in Year 6. I want to go back already or visit different snowfields like Queenstown in NZ but sadly, there's only another week of winter holidays left.

If you're thinking 'Yes, finally a post that's light-hearted and doesn't need huge amounts of brain power to digest it' I hope this post doesn't disappoint and is more like the good ol' life update posts I used to write (although I don't know if there's any on this blog - will check). But here's a pretty photo to start it off!

Day 1: Lake Eucumbene from Old Adaminaby 
The Snowy Mountains were beautiful, especially with the weather we had. We also drove to Perisher Valley on the second day, built a snowman, learnt to snowboard and had fun. Next time I'm learning to ski...
Day 2: Our attempt at a snowman.
Day 2: Perisher Valley.
It was really lovely to spend time with family and the motel we were staying at was so cosy - it was all one big room but there was a big TV and several couches/chairs where we all just sat reading and talking. There was also frost everywhere in the morning - there was ice in the shape of snowflakes on our car windscreen the first morning, and a blanket of white on the second!
Day 3: Leaving our motel in Adaminaby in the morning.

I loved driving on the way home - I drove for around four hours (with breaks) from the Snowy Mountains to Goulburn and I finally got to hit 100km/h since I got my green Ps and use cruise control - honestly driving is just so enjoyable for me. So keen for my next road trip!

By the time the last weekend of June rolled around I'd already been on holidays for two weeks since my exams finished super early - and Black Party was the night before we left so I was quite tired on the drive down. It was honestly such a good weekend getaway with family and a good break from all social media and the internet - I had a difficult time readjusting to it when I got back, and for a few days I found myself being really unresponsive to messages because I was so tired of being accountable to others.

The rest of the holidays have been filled with catch ups with friends, work and blogging. I think that sums up my life pretty well. If you managed to stalk me on all my social media feeds (there's some buttons in the "About Me" box), then you've got a pretty good idea of what I'm doing with my life - and if there's anything that I've picked up during the break to include in my uni schedule it's exercise. I miss dance and swimming and pilates. It just makes you feel good and I'm sad that I let it go during first semester. I've also been doing a lot of writing lately - will tell you all about it once if it gets published!

How has your winter break been? Tell me in the comments below or on Twitter!

With love, Sarah x

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